Protect your smile with Retainer Guarantee

Life doesn’t come with guarantees, until now

For a one-time enrollment fee and a small co-pay each time, you can get replacement
retainers for 10 years. Take the first step to sign up below, or call us at (317) 594-3017.

The ideal way to protect your smile and your investment

At Gorman & Bunch, it’s our mission to ensure that all patients get to keep the smiles they worked so hard for — for life.

Retainers can easily get lost, accidentally thrown away, or even wear out over time. In fact, 85% of patients lose or damage their retainers within the first two years. With each replacement retainer costing upwards of $350, we knew we had to come up with a better way.

And the good newskeeps coming

Once you join Retainer Guarantee, all you have to do is come in for a one-time scan of your teeth. Any time you need a replacement retainer, simply contact our office and we’ll make you another one for just $26.

There’s no need to come back for another appointment, and no unexpected costs – you just get your new retainer and go.

Retainer Guarantee is one of many ways that Gorman & Bunch treats patients like family.